Friday, March 4, 2016

Comedian/Comedienne or Comic?

Does "a rose by any other name smell just as sweet?"  What we call ourselves matters.  For example, I'm a librarian by profession, and there are folks out there who think the title is quaint or outdated.  Some people have suggested that we call ourselves "information technicians."  It sounds "hip and modern," but doesn't touch on the nuance of what I do.  (Personally, I prefer "Person you never knew you needed, but now can't do without," but that doesn't fit on my business card.)  

There is also the "sexism" attached to the title.  When most people think of the word "librarian," they think of a woman (hairbun and sweater set, optional).  But if you say someone works as an "information technician," odds are you're going to think of a man (pocket protector and social awkwardness optional). However, the library profession, once a male-dominated field until the early 20th century, is overwhelmingly female.

So what do you call yourself - comedian/comedienne or comic - and why?  

Full disclosure: I have a particular interest in knowing so that I use the preferred term in my entries.

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