Saturday, March 26, 2016

"Start Up Your Stand Up" with Stevie GB

Per Jerry Seinfeld, "According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking.  Number two is death.  Death is number two.  Does that sound right?  This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy."

Doing stand-up comedy is, in my opinion, the scariest kind of public speaking.  Unlike making a speech before your peers, stand-up requires you to put yourself out there before a room full of anonymous strangers.  Because the feedback is instant, you'll know in a matter of seconds whether they like what you're saying.  It also requires you to make this bunch of strangers like you just as quickly.  Probably the best way to get started, as the sneaker ads say, is to "just do it."  In other words, get up there, and get up there, and keep getting up there.  But if you're not that gutsy, you may be able to find a class at your local comedy club where you can learn and practice in a safe, supportive atmosphere.  If that's not an option for you, there is help.

Comedian Steve Giantuco, known professionally as "Stevie GB, the World's Funniest Accountant," has created a YouTube series, "Start Up Your Stand-Up."  Among the lessons you'll learn are how to get started, how to handle bombing, how to get press, etc.  After doing stand-up on Long Island for more than 20 years, and opening for the likes of Louie Anderson, Rob Schneider, Bobby Collins, Caroline Rhea, and Lewis Black, he knows what he's talking about.  You'll find his short, informative videos here

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